Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Interpretation of the Buddhist Wording

Family: Have to be careful, beware of people who gossips, don’t throw bad words on people. Beware of the security and safety of the house.

Money: Encouraged to stay at the current job or position, sign of money are not here yet.

Love and Marriage: The past/current relationship is not stable yet. The flow is slow.

Six Body Figure (in Buddhist): There is obstacle; it is good to pray to god more frequent, only one will be able to get away with it.

Business: Not at the right time yet, haven’t get the blessing of sky, if continue doing will have less fortune. (Remember I told you a successful person will have the blessing from sky, land and people)

Fate: Obstacles in most of the issues pray to god and do good deeds more frequent to change the luck.

Fame: With hard work and determination, your fame is on the way to you

Illness: Sign of sickness, take care of health

House: The house you are staying is not that good, advice to change location

天時, 地利, 人和, 他人找好了, 也知道要做甚麼, 地點也想好了, 就是缺時機
My best friend(Hui Shan) from JB who studied with me in Shanghai interpret:

You have got the location, people to work together and also know the industry you wanted to pursue in, just that you are lack of the faith of the most suitable time for your business/career to shine!

Written on Wednesday, November 28, 2007

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