Saturday, June 14, 2008

Singtel's Road Show

Just did Singtel's road show for 2 continuous Sunday's. It is a pretty unsual event, normally road shows are targeted to all audience, but this time round, the road show is aiming for the Bangladeshi, Sri Lanka and Indian crowd as it is held in Serangoon Plaza, nest to Mustafar.

Singtel's booth was situated in several locations as it is besides me and Roy, I supplied another 2 statues for them. I think our show is pretty new and strange to the foreign worker as they didn't got to see something like this in their own country. The respond was fantastic!

We've to dress in Red and wearing Singtel's T-Shirt as their corporate color is red, and Heart Neu Circus' corporate color is also red :-)

Some of the audience gave me water and food during the show. I joke with them with funny faces and expression (I can't talk, just can mime le.....:S ), staying stationary with Singtel's sign board and dance to the audience.....)

Anyway I am glad that I did this show as it is really a good experience to perform for foreign worker. Imagine we are always complaint we have to work OT and 5 days a week, but ppl like them as a foreign worker, they have to share room with so many of their fellow friends, work 6 days or even 7days a week, low pay and low work condition.....and they didn't complain a thing and contribute alot to the nation...... I feel honored to entertain them ;-)

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