Sunday, March 8, 2009

Mascots and Face Painters At Singapore Zoo

Still recall Heart Neu Circus was hired by People's Association and the newly launched Mediacorp's Vasamtham Channel(somewhere Nov 2008) to perform for their Sigaporean Indian Community/Viewer's family day event. The event was taken place in Singapore Zoo, which is located not very far from my house. [actually should be around 20 minutes drive in precise :-)]

Annabelle and I was doing the face painting. 


For more information about me and my team's face painting service, please visit :

For clown and Children birthday party or family day event services, please visit the following link:

Roy(acting as Zebra) and Ming(acting as Penguin) were the mascots.       

It is a full day event, the first half of the event was extremely hot and guess what at the second half of the event it started raining....

Poor Roy - Zebra and Ming - Penguin have to work while it was raining as they need to wait for the arrival of the Guest Of Honour- One of the MPs in Singapore. Poor thing :-(

After a long wait, finally the MP is here, smile :-)

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